Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010


20 Questions!

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without:
my phone and some chapstick... and my keys.

2. Favorite brand of makeup:
hm, I have different favorites for different things...like for eyes, lips, face, all that jazz. For face is would probably be Neutrogena or Relvon. Cheeks = Stila!! Eyes = NYX and Urban Decay. annndd lips = relvon lipstick or covergirl lip stains. [lip gloss kinda grosses me out]

3. Favorite flower:
poppys or daisys!...or tulips.

4. Favorite clothing store:
jcrew...but there stuff is sort of expensive so --Forever 21??!!

5. Favorite perfume:
Peony by Stella or Daisy by Marc Jacobs

6. Heels or flats:
i like heels because they make my feet look smaller ..but i ALWAYS wear flats.

7. Do you make good grades:
average. A B and C range.

8. Favorite colors:
green, yellow, grey, coral.

9. Do you drink energy drinks:
very rarely. I've only tried Red Bull.

10. Do you drink juice:
yes! love juice! my favorites are apple, pineapple, mango, or grape... not so much orange :X

11. Do you like swimming:
I don't know how to swim! How embarrassing...I'm 20, I should know how... =/

12. Do you eat fries with a fork:
in a restaurant yes, with fast food no.

13. Favorite moisturizer:
cetaphil cream for normal to oily skin type.

14. Do you want to get married later on in life:
yes, hopefully not when im like 40 though?

15. Do you get mad easily:
not at all. I try to not let a lot of things get to me.

16. Are you into ghost hungting:
i don't really believe in ghosts.

17. Any phobias:
clowns..airplanes...bridges that go over bodies of water....

18. Do you bite your nails:

19. Have you had a near death experience:
Not that I'm aware of.

20. Do you drink coffee:
YES. I'm trying to drink less though-- I went for a couple days without drinking coffee [unintentionally]and I got the worst headache of my life and I was all twitchy...[that sounds SO dramatic, sorry!] ..but, yeah, I think I am addicted to caffeine.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

urban decay e/s - X...!!!!
urban decay e/s - Jones
MAC e/s - Club
nude pumps
coral shorts
a better camera?
Ray-Bans...or just some knock off's would be gravy.
Koi tattoo! on my side/ribs...ouch.
a piece of furniture that can store my make up [the bookshelf type deal I have now is getting hectic!]

and that's it--right now at least... time to save those paychecks! ehhh..

Here's some stuff that I bought when I went shopping at the outlets at Myrtle Beach...
Mostly summery things because I AM SO SICK OF THE COLD... and because Spring Break is in a couple of weeks! Can't wait to go back to Myrtle with my girlies!

OH! and...I bought my first MAC products when I went, too! I got two eyeshadows [Shale and Et Tu Bouquet] and a blush [Shy Beauty]...ahh so exciting! The blush is my favorite I think...WANT MORE--uh oh haha.