Thursday, December 2, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010


Kinda makes me feel like I'm Alice from Resident Evil.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010


Alright, so here's some things that I love to have during the summer:
1] SUNSCREEN [and a lip balm with SPF]. I am super pale so if I even think about the sun I burn. But even if you aren't easily burned like me, wear it anyway! The sun can be SO harmful and damaging to your skin [ie. wrinkles, sun spots, skin cancer!]. I just use a self tanning lotion during the summer so I won't blind everyone when I go to the beach/pool/general public.

2] Sunglasses. My eyes are really sensitive to the sun for some reason, so these are very important. [FUN FACT: I can't squint my eyes when it's really right eye just automatically closes..??]

3] Shorts. Forever 21 has some really cute and inexpensive ones.

4] Sandals. Again, Forever 21 has some nice gladiator-ish types for only $7.50!

5] Tank tops/sleeveless shirts. I like loose fitting ones during the summer. It gets pretty hot where I live [it was 104 degrees today...] and it just feels nicer not to have clingy clothes on.

6] Bikini! I would recommend Target to find some really cute ones. [They have a bunch of different styles, too, last time i went: sequined, metallic, floral, everythingggg :P]


Thursday, June 3, 2010

What I Wore Today

Yep, this is everything I wore today. I'm kind of obsessed with the Lemon Vanilla lotion from Bath and Body Works...It smells SO GOOD, like cake :P The coconut one is pretty awesome, too.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010


20 Questions!

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without:
my phone and some chapstick... and my keys.

2. Favorite brand of makeup:
hm, I have different favorites for different for eyes, lips, face, all that jazz. For face is would probably be Neutrogena or Relvon. Cheeks = Stila!! Eyes = NYX and Urban Decay. annndd lips = relvon lipstick or covergirl lip stains. [lip gloss kinda grosses me out]

3. Favorite flower:
poppys or daisys!...or tulips.

4. Favorite clothing store:
jcrew...but there stuff is sort of expensive so --Forever 21??!!

5. Favorite perfume:
Peony by Stella or Daisy by Marc Jacobs

6. Heels or flats:
i like heels because they make my feet look smaller ..but i ALWAYS wear flats.

7. Do you make good grades:
average. A B and C range.

8. Favorite colors:
green, yellow, grey, coral.

9. Do you drink energy drinks:
very rarely. I've only tried Red Bull.

10. Do you drink juice:
yes! love juice! my favorites are apple, pineapple, mango, or grape... not so much orange :X

11. Do you like swimming:
I don't know how to swim! How embarrassing...I'm 20, I should know how... =/

12. Do you eat fries with a fork:
in a restaurant yes, with fast food no.

13. Favorite moisturizer:
cetaphil cream for normal to oily skin type.

14. Do you want to get married later on in life:
yes, hopefully not when im like 40 though?

15. Do you get mad easily:
not at all. I try to not let a lot of things get to me.

16. Are you into ghost hungting:
i don't really believe in ghosts.

17. Any phobias:
clowns..airplanes...bridges that go over bodies of water....

18. Do you bite your nails:

19. Have you had a near death experience:
Not that I'm aware of.

20. Do you drink coffee:
YES. I'm trying to drink less though-- I went for a couple days without drinking coffee [unintentionally]and I got the worst headache of my life and I was all twitchy...[that sounds SO dramatic, sorry!] ..but, yeah, I think I am addicted to caffeine.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

urban decay e/s - X...!!!!
urban decay e/s - Jones
MAC e/s - Club
nude pumps
coral shorts
a better camera?
Ray-Bans...or just some knock off's would be gravy.
Koi tattoo! on my side/ribs...ouch.
a piece of furniture that can store my make up [the bookshelf type deal I have now is getting hectic!]

and that's it--right now at least... time to save those paychecks! ehhh..

Here's some stuff that I bought when I went shopping at the outlets at Myrtle Beach...
Mostly summery things because I AM SO SICK OF THE COLD... and because Spring Break is in a couple of weeks! Can't wait to go back to Myrtle with my girlies!

OH! and...I bought my first MAC products when I went, too! I got two eyeshadows [Shale and Et Tu Bouquet] and a blush [Shy Beauty]...ahh so exciting! The blush is my favorite I think...WANT MORE--uh oh haha.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

black, tan, and HAWT PINK <3...nuff said.

This makes me think of Valentine's Day!

...self explanitory. I would wear everything in here everyday ...until I get bored with the whole nautical trend, of course.